About Dead Space 2
Dead Space 2 is a survival horror video game developed by Visceral Games and published by Electronic Arts for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, released in January 2011. The player controls Isaac Clarke from a third-person perspective, looking over the character’s right shoulder. As in the previous game, the game uses the Resource Integration Gear (RIG) suit, an in-world heads-up display (HUD) system that uses holograms projected from Isaac’s suit and weapons to show information such as messages and ammunition count. In vacuum areas, a timer appears on Isaac’s right shoulder, counting how much oxygen his suit has before he suffocates. The RIG also uses gauges on Isaac’s back to display his health and stasis module levels. If Isaac’s health or air reaches zero, or if the player fails to survive a quick-time event, Isaac will die, forcing the player to restart from the last checkpoint. Early in the game, Isaac acquires the stasis module, which slows down enemies and otherwise-impassable moving obstacles (e.g. active heavy machinery) to allow Isaac to pass through safely; and the kinesis module, which allows Isaac to carry and fire objects telekinetically. The player can upgrade their weapons and armor at work benches, using power nodes. There are also automated stores, where the player can buy and sell various items, and gain new weapons and suits through acquiring schematics found throughout the Sprawl. Throughout the game, the player will come across different puzzles that impede progress. In some cases, Isaac must hack consoles to activate machines and open doors; in others, Isaac must repair or reposition mechanisms to proceed. The player regularly encounters zero-G environments, where Isaac is capable of maneuvering in all directions with thrusters attached to his suit. Both normal and zero-G environments may be in areas within the vacuum of outer space; in these situations, Isaac must refill his limited oxygen supply via oxygen dispensers.
How to Download and Install Dead Space 2
Dead Space 2 PC Download
Password: www.gametrex.com The download is for Dead Space 2 – file size is 4.99GB
Dead Space 2 System Requirements
Dead Space 2 Screenshots