About Spirit and Katana

Haru, a hero from the Town of Relina, travels to Celedain to join the Guild of Heroes! When he meets the Guild of Heroes, they welcome him with a courageous spirit! Now, he must use his skills as a hero along with his katana to forge a bright future for the land! Features – 10 chapters – 10+ hours with a one path storyline – Beautifully-drawn anime characters – Immersive background music – Includes a gallery with pictures and biographies

How to Download and Install Spirit and Katana

Spirit and Katana PC Download

Password: www.gametrex.com

Spirit and Katana System Requirements


OS: Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10 (64-bit) Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo RAM: 2 GB RAM Graphics: 1280 x 720 Storage: 2 GB available space

Spirit and Katana Screenshots

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