About VillageBlade
Its all about strategy: Pick 2 out of every 3 cards given at each round to build neighboring houses on forest and grass tiles to reach a new high score. Use attack cards to change the landscape and fight off reoccurring enemies. Use your best judgement in creating as many new houses as possible while destroying enemies as soon as possible. Choose between 30, 50, or 100 round games. First 5 tiles are randomly generated at the beginning of every game, ensuring you will never play the same game twice.
How to Download and Install VillageBlade
VillageBlade PC Download
Password: www.gametrex.com
VillageBlade System Requirements
OS: WindowsXP Processor: Dualcore RAM: 2GBRAM Graphics: 256MBDirectX10videocard Storage: 12GB
OS: WindowsXP Processor: Dualcoreprocessor RAM: 2GBRAM Graphics: 256MBDirectX10videocard Storage: 12GB